Saturday, February 12, 2022


Starting from home we walked to the end of the road, looking across the street the new bridge looked as if had been there all along. The morning brings the birds to flight, crows, seagulls and geese. The lake is home to many, summer is the best time to take a stroll through Lake Arbor, we have been here eight years now, this is the first year we have been commuting from the house to work. I leave at 6:30 and catch my first bus to the City, arriving a half hour later, where I transfer to the A train. Since last year the new train that brings travelers from Downtown to the Airport is now in full service. We board and watch as travelers board with their suitcases, packed for their destinations, some traveling for the first time and some bringing young ones or old ones. They take their seats and we're off. Slowly we leave the station. After twenty minutes I arrive at my stop, leaving the travelers on their way, now I board my last train.

After a year of commuting by train I have very familiar with the schedule and events of the ride. We wait at the Union Station while everyone e boards, tourists place their luggage on the racks provided, the the cyclists place their bikes into the racks. We all wait for the final minute, the conductor announced one minute to departure. As we move out of the station the security officers come around to check fares. Were on our way, another day on the A line.

  February 24, 2017 the new train on the R line opened, I follow the Creek, and fly over the bridge above the highway, we move along near the golf course and the park lake. We move on under the road way, where the walls are covered in graffi, beautiful colors, who knows if they were planned, they are art. Stopping along the way we view a sculpture, where several bikes are suspended from a pole, not something you might expect to see. Nearing the Colfax station we pass the new VA Hospital, near to completion the expanse is wonderful, it spans the block, with the walkway leading from one building to the next. We stop on the bridge above the street, looking our west you see miles down the street, building and stores lining the street. Again we begin to move, along the way we see several more stations, we reach Aurora Center, one stop before I exit, the art again catching your eye. We have arrived, I exit the train, cross the walking bridge and descend the stairs and cross the parking lot. I have arrived, one and a half hours later, the trip always includes a new experience, always arriving the same time each day, it has been a long ride and I am so thankful for the new train, and so thankful I have made it all worthwhile.
In a years time the new trainto Aurua opens and my tranfeeing from train to bus is made easier and the ommute is a half hour shorter. 
We voard the R lone at Peoria station. Wete a large lit sculpture changes fromm re to blue togreen and back,,over and over again. The train pulls away, reading a favorite book or listening to music the commute is from Peoria, to Colfax station. The bridge is the station stop at I225. Sstanding on the platform looking toward the mountains looking west down Colfax as far as you can see. Now also the location of the new VA hospital.  

uSclpture at Aurora Center train and buss station

Downtown Denver skyline, morning commute

The new VA hospital at Colfax in Aurora

Union Station looking south along the A line and B line tracks

I-70 looking west at Gensee

New Hotel and A line station at DIA

First day for A line from Union Station to Airport

Lake Arbor in Arvada